(Bon, avec le module SuperCarrier on n'y est pas encore, mais ya déjà vaguement l'idée ...)
Approach A is button 15, and B-Side is 17, Marshal is 16, departure is 2.
Here is an example of start to finish CASE III in CATCC -
202 - “Marshal, 202 checking in marking Mom’s 060 for 54, state 6.3”
MAR - “202 (ships callsign) Marshal, CASE III Recovery, CV1 Approach, Expected Final Bearing 360, Altimeter 2992. 202, Marshal 200 for 21, Angels 6, expected approach time 52, approach button 15”
(Pilot reads it back)
MAR - “202, readback correct”
(Next ac, 22 and 7, then 23 and 8, and so on)
(After all aircraft established)
MAR - “99, (ships callsign) Marshal, CASE III Recovery, CV1 Approach, Expected Final Bearing 360, altimeter 2992. Mother’s weather, (give weather) , diverts as briefed, bingo fuels as follows (give each aircraft bingo fuels), time in 30 seconds, 45”
MAR - “Time in 15 seconds, 45”
MAR - “5, 4, 3, 2, 1...mark, time 45”
(First aircraft commenced at 52)
(Aircraft push a minute apart)
202 - “Marshal, 202 commencing, state 5.6”
MAR - “202, radar contact, 21 miles, final bearing 360, check in button 15”
(Side note - Aircraft doesn’t wait till after platform to check in with Approach A-Side - Also, aircraft further back in the stack won’t be handed off to approach until the ac is over/near the Marshal point [21 miles])
(Also, Aircraft are handed to Approach A, then B, then A, ect.)
202 - “Approach, 202, checking in, state 5.5”
APP A - “202, Approach, Final Bearing 360”
APP A - “202, left to the Final Bearing, 360, fly bullseye till lockon” (Bullseye is another Landing aid, similar to ILS)
(Depending on ramp time, approach will tell ac when to dirty up, or let them dirty up naturally per natops)
APP A - “202, 9 miles, dirty up”
(Pilot acknowledges)
(Final takes over)
FINAL A - “202, Final, Radar Contact, 10 miles, fly bullseye till lockon”
(Final locks up ac)
FINAL A - “202, lockon, 7 miles, say needles” 202 - “Fly up, fly right” FINAL A - “202, concur, fly mode II (most common)”
(Final gives a few calls, unless pilot is all over the place - we let ac fly their needles)
FINAL A - “202, on glide path, on course, three quarter mile, call the ball”
202 - “202, hornet ball, 4.7”
LSO - “Roger ball, got ya 30 knots right down the angle”
(LSO gives guidance until ac traps or goes around)
(Aircraft bolters)
APP A - “202, Approach, radar contact, take angels 1.2, when level, cleared downwind, report abeam heading 180”
(Another suggestion, if they ever do a voiceover for paddles [LSO] it should be BUNYAP, sounds exactly the same)