[FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

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[FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par RaiderOne »

On en parlait juste avant ou pendant le dernier OAN avec Moos, l'ergonomie du F/A-18C, et particulièrement l'utilisation qui y est faite du concept de HOTAS ("Mains Sur Manche Et Manette" pour ceux-ce qui habitent dans une grotte depuis longtemps) ne nous semble pas aussi poussée que dans le A-10C par exemple où là il a été érigé en remarquable cas d'école pour le coup ! :Bravo:

Cependant, et sans fondamentalement changer notre impression générale sur ce point,
il convient néanmoins de nuancer un peu ce point de vue sur le F/A-18C car, apparemment, beaucoup de petites subtilités sur l'utilisation des boutons du Manche et de la Manette n'ont pas encore été implémentées par ED !
Toutes ces "petites astuces d'utilisation"- dont beaucoup sont "context dependent" - sont en fait de réelles "Features" participant de manière significative, je pense, à l'amélioration de l'ergonomie générale en cours d'utilisation intensive (au combat en somme) !

Un Ricain qui semble savoir de quoi il retourne, a mis en lumière un certain nombre d'entre elles non encore prises en compte par les dév., et comme vous allez le voir ... il y a de quoi faire :shock: :
(vous me pardonnerez de ne pas avoir traduit, mais c'est qd même un peu long à faire d'autant que je ne suis pas sûr que ça en passionne beaucoup plus que quelques un ici)
List of some of the more important hotas functions that are missing on the F/A-18

Missing Functions

Independent of master mode, if the front cockpit sensor control switch is activated toward the right MDI, and the format on the right MDI cannot accept TDC priority, that format is replaced with the radar/attack (either the A/G radar format or the A/A attack format, depending upon radar operating mode) format. If the radar/attack format was displayed on another display in the front cockpit, it will be replaced with the TAC Menu.

Independent of master mode, if the front cockpit sensor control switch is activated aft (toward the HSD), and the format on the HSD cannot accept TDC priority, that format is replaced with the current HSI format

Independent of master mode, or the cockpit, if PB 12 (HOTAS EW) is boxed on the EW Top Level and the TDC is assigned to either the HSI, EW or SA format, a subsequent activation of the corresponding sensor control switch toward that format will replace the format with the next format in the sequence (HSI, SA, EW, HSI, SA, ...). Also note that if the displayed format is a sublevel of the HSI or SA format, then the first sensor control switch activation will return the format to its top level. Subsequent activations can then be used to cycle formats

Independent of master mode, or the cockpit, if PB 12 (HOTAS EW) is unboxed on the EW Top Level and the TDC is assigned to either the HSI or SA format, a subsequent activation of the corresponding sensor control switch toward that format will replace the format with the next format in the sequence (HSI, SA, HSI, SA,...). Also note that if the displayed format is a sublevel of the HSI or SA format, then the first sensor control switch activation will return the format to its top level. Subsequent activations can then be used to cycle formats.

In A/A master mode, if the front cockpit sensor control switch is activated toward the left, and the format on the left MDI cannot accept TDC priority, then that format is replaced with the Az/El format. If the Az/El format is displayed on another display, it will be replaced with the TAC Menu.

In A/A master mode, when TDC priority is selected to the Az/El format with the FLIR as the selected sensor, and the TDC is depressed/released with the cursor over the FLIR DSPLY option at Pushbutton 4 (PB4), then the Az/El format is replaced with the FLIR format and TDC priority is assigned to the FLIR format. If the FLIR format was previously displayed elsewhere in the cockpit, then the Tactical MENU format replaces the previously displayed FLIR format. Note that when TDC is assigned to this format, the cursor is initially displayed over PB4 (the “FLIR DSPLY” option) allowing for quick access to the FLIR format.

When the Radar is the selected sensor on the Az/El format and the TDC is depressed/released with the cursor over the STORES option at PB3 on the Az/El format, the Az/El format is replaced with the Stores format. TDC priority will remain assigned to the (no longer displayed) Az/El format. If the Stores format was previously displayed elsewhere in the cockpit, then the Tactical MENU format will replace the previously displayed Stores format.

In the A/A master mode, when TDC priority is selected to the Az/El format, the TDC cursor is positioned outside the tactical region, and the sensor control switch is activated towards the Az/El format (when not in the ACM condition), the selected sensor for the Az/El format will cycle from the radar to the FLIR. If the FLIR is not available, no action will occur. Note that since the cursor is positioned over PB4, upon initial TDC assignments, it is already outside the tactical region and sensor format cycling is immediately available to the aircrew via a subsequent sensor control switch activation.

For the front cockpit while in NAV and A/G master mode, the stores format is displayed on the left MDI whenever the sensor control switch is activated toward the left and the format on the left MDI is not currently the stores format, or cannot accept TDC priority. If the stores format is displayed on another display, it will be replaced with the Tactical (TAC) Menu.

The MC automatically displays the Selected A/G Weapon’s format whenever in A/G master mode and the front cockpit sensor control switch is activated toward the stores format on the left MDI. In a two-seat aircraft, the front seat TDC assignment as well as cursor displacements are repeated in the aft seat formats in all master mode and vice-versa.


Mode Option. The mode option is provided in RWS, TWS, and VS modes only and provides a means to select the operating mode of the Radar. This option is selectable via HOTAS. The operating mode is initialized automatically to RWS. Successive selections of the mode option selects the TWS mode and then the RWS mode again. Only the RWS and TWS modes can be selected via the PB. This is to allow for smooth transitions between RWS and TWS while retaining all trackfiles and to prevent inadvertent loss of trackfiles by selecting VS mode accidentally. Slewing the acquisition cursor over the Mode indication causes the available options to appear for selection via depression/release of the TDC. Either RWS, TWS, or VS mode can be selected via HOTAS. An X is displayed over the operating mode indication whenever Radar periodic BIT detects an abnormal condition in that mode.


HMD Slave Option. Selecting the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) option slaves the FLIR LOS to the LOS of the HMD. . The FLIR LOS is only slaved to the HMD if the TDC is assigned to the FLIR format. This option is HOTASable on the Az/El FLIR format only. Subsequent selection of the castle switch commands the Sniper pod to Autotrack Acquisition along the HMD LOS. Depression of the TDC inertially stabilizes the Sniper pod at the HMD LOS and deselects the HMD Slave Option


Ghost Cursor. When the TDC is assigned to the SA format, the SA cursor or FLIR Cursor is displayed on the SA format and the CURSR option on the data sublevel of the Radar format is boxed, a ghost cursor will appear on the Radar Attack format. This ghost cursor indicates the position of the cursor on the SA format with respect to the Radar Attack format. The ghost cursor will appear as a blue segmented captain’s bars

Range Scale Selection. The Range Scale may be selected on the SA format by selecting the SCL/## option. The Range Scales decrement on each selection, to 320, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, and 5 nm range scales. Selecting the SCL/5 option will cause the 320 nm range scale to be displayed. The selected scale indicates the distance from the ownship symbol to the top center of the compass rose. The range scale can also be changed via scale “bumping” with the cursor. If the cursor is slewed up and past 1/2 inch from the top of the display and then slewed down within 0.8 seconds the scale will be “bumped” and the range scale shall be incremented. The converse is true if the cursor bumps the bottom horizontal limit. The range scale bumping functions the same as on the Attack Format.

Cursor Capability and Target Designation. The TDC cursor is implemented for the SA format. Depressing the Sensor Control Switch towards the SA format assigns TDC priority to the SA format (assuming that the sensor control switch is not configured for commanding ACM modes). When TDC priority is assigned to the SA format, a cursor is available on the format in the form of the “HOTAS cursor” (no altitude read-outs). The Target Designation capability using the TDC cursor allows the aircrew to designate targets that are out of the field of regard of the Attack and Az/El formats. In addition, the aircrew can position the TDC cursor over a trackfile on the SA format and either enter a manual ID. To improve the utility of this function, the current Target Under the Cursor (TUC) will remain the TUC until a TDC force is sensed which is enough to slew the cursor off the trackfile. The cursor is displayed in amber when the “COLOR” option is selected on the RDR Attack Data sublevel. The SA cursor is replaced by the orange FLIR cursor when the FLR option is boxed on the RDR ATTK format.

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Inscription : 28 oct. 2011, 11:13
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Re: [FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par psycho »

Ha c'est sans doute ce qu'ils voulaient dire dans le sondage par "New and updated HOTAS functions". Je ne savais pas que c'était des trucs comme ça, j'ai pas du le mettre en top priorité.
A vaincre sans Pastis, on triomphe sans boire !

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Inscription : 28 oct. 2011, 19:15

Re: [FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par Polux »

qui à gagné au sondage, car ce truc est illisible non ?
"On n'est pas assez nombreux pour faire tout et n'importe quoi!" Hotstick, Lan janvier 2015
Mais si on était plus...

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Re: [FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par HotStick »

Psycho, moi aussi je n'ai pas coché le "New and updated HOTAS functions" parce que je ne savais ce qu'ils voulaient dire :cry:

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Re: [FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par psycho »

Polux a écrit :
30 avr. 2020, 13:16
qui à gagné au sondage, car ce truc est illisible non ?
c'est illisible avec leurs camemberts (surement par défaut dans le sondage google) mais avec une autre présentation ou les données brutes ils vont arriver à faire un classement des fonctions à développer avant d'autres.
A vaincre sans Pastis, on triomphe sans boire !

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Re: [FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par RaiderOne »

psycho a écrit :
30 avr. 2020, 12:40
Ha c'est sans doute ce qu'ils voulaient dire dans le sondage par "New and updated HOTAS functions". Je ne savais pas que c'était des trucs comme ça, j'ai pas du le mettre en top priorité.
Oui c'était bien ça ... et moi je l'ai mis en top priorité avec la révision du Modèle de vol, la finalisation du Datalink et la finalisation des armes déjà présentes mais mal modélisées ou aux modes incomplets !

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Messages : 2951
Inscription : 28 oct. 2011, 19:15

Re: [FA18C] Ergonomie du Système d'Armes

Message par Polux »

j'espère que vous avez voté pour la mission card. Presque utile dans notre mission du lan :-D
"On n'est pas assez nombreux pour faire tout et n'importe quoi!" Hotstick, Lan janvier 2015
Mais si on était plus...
